University of Southern California, Department of Physics and Astronomy, High Energy Theory Group
Position ID:
University of Southern California-Department of Physics and Astronomy, High Energy Theory Group-POSTDOC [#29249]
Position Title:
Postdoctoral Researcher in High Energy Theory
Position Type:
Position Location:
Los Angeles, California 90089, United States of America
Subject Areas:
Physics / Theoretical Physics, String Theory, String Theory/Quantum Gravity/Field Theory, Theoretical high energy physics, Theoretical High-Energy, Quantum Field Theory, High Energy Theory
Appl Deadline:
2024/12/10 11:59PM
(posted 2024/11/14, listed until 2025/05/14)

Position Description:
Position Description
Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical High Energy Physics The High Energy Theory group at the University of Southern California invites applications from qualified candidates for a postdoctoral position. Current faculty in High Energy Theory at USC are: Itzhak Bars, Nathan Benjamin, Krzysztof Pilch, Hubert Saleur, and Nicholas Warner. With a start date of August 2025, the position is for two years, with a possibility of renewal for a third year. The successful candidate should have a PhD and have a strong background and research record in topics that overlap with the interests of the group, including conformal field theory, string theory, quantum field theory, and quantum gravity. Applications must include: - A curriculum vitae - A list of publications - A statement of research interests - At least three letters of recommendation The search committee will start reviewing applications after December 10, 2024 until the position is filled. USC is an equal-opportunity educator and employer, proudly pluralistic and firmly committed to providing equal opportunity for outstanding persons of every race, gender, creed and background. The university particularly encourages members of underrepresented groups, veterans and individuals with disabilities to apply. USC will make reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with known disabilities unless doing so would result in an undue hardship. Further information is available by contacting uschr@usc.eduApplication Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Research statement
- Publication list
- Three or more reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
Further Info:
920 Bloom Walk, Los Angeles, CA 90089