Bonn University, Physikalisches Institut of University of Bonn

Position ID:
Bonn University-Physikalisches Institut of University of Bonn-POSTDOCTORALRESEARCHPOSITION [#29490]
Position Title: 
Postdoctoral Research Position in Theoretical Quantum Many Body Physics
Position Location:
Bonn, Nordrhein-Westfalen 53115, Germany
Subject Areas: 
Quantum Computing / Quantum Computing
Quantum Information Science / quantum computing, quantum many-body
Condensed Matter Physics / cond-mat-th, Condensed Matter Theory
Physics / Computational physics, Condensed Matter Theory
Quantum Condensed Matter Theory (more...)
Appl Deadline:
2025/01/27 11:59PMhelp popup (posted 2024/12/18)
Position Description:

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Position Description

Postdoctoral Research Position in Theoretical Quantum Many Body Physics

The computational quantum many-body physics group at the University of Bonn, led by David Luitz plans to appoint a 
Postdoctoral Fellow 
in the area of condensed matter theory, interested in conducting research at the interface of condensed matter and quantum information theory. Relevant topics include quantum many-body systems, entanglement, nonequilibrium quantum dynamics, quantum simulation and quantum information dynamics, as well as method development. The research background of successful candidates can range from computational approaches to quantum many-body systems, nonequilibrium phenomena in quantum many-body systems, ultracold atomic gases to quantum computation. 
The position will be embedded in the stimulating research environment of the Cluster of Excellence ML4Q, the CRC NuMeriQS and the CRC OSCAR at the University of Bonn. 
The position has a flexible starting date in spring 2025 and is offered initially for two years and may be extended by an additional year. The salary is according to the TV-L E13 pay scale. 
Complete applications include: 
Please submit these documents in this order as a single PDF file. 
Please also arrange for two confidential letters of reference to be submitted. 
We encourage candidates to submit their applications by January 20, 2025 for full consideration but will consider later applications until this position is filled. 
The University of Bonn is committed to diversity and equal opportunity. It is certified as a family-friendly university. It aims to increase the proportion of women in areas where women are under-represented and to promote their careers in particular. It therefore strongly encourages women with relevant qualifications to apply.

Applications will be handled in accordance with the Landesgleichstellungsgesetz (State Equality Act). Applications from suitable individuals with a certified serious disability and those of equal status are particularly welcome

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Application file as a single PDF
  • Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
Nußallee 12
53115 Bonn