Job Listings
All, quantum computing(2), quantum many-body(2), superconducting qubits(1), Theoretical Quantum Science(2)
Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Atomic and Molecular Physics
- [POSTDOCTORALFELLOWSHIP] 2025 Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (ITAMP) (2024/11/25 11:59PM)
Cornell University, LASSP/Physics
- [BWKDOC24] LASSP Bethe/Wilkins/KIC Condensed Matter Physics Theory Postdoc
IFIC, Univ. Valencia-CSIC, Physics Department
- [PHDQUANTUMINFORMATION] PhD in quantum information and metrology at IFIC/UV (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
Lehigh University, Physics
- [APP] Assistant Professor of Physics (2024/12/15 11:59PM)
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Center for Theoretical Physics
- [POSTDOC2] Postdoctoral Position in Quantam Information Science/Quantum Computing (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
National Center for Theoretical Sciences, Physics Division (NTU)
- [NCTS_TG1_PD] Postdoctoral Research Scholars (Theoretical Quantum Information Science) (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
New York University Arts and Science
- [EQIS] Assistant Professor Position in Experimental Quantum Information Science (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University, Qubits and Spacetime Unit
- [PD] 2+1 year postdoc position in Qubits and Spacetime Unit, OIST (deadline 2024/07/01 11:59PM)
Princeton University, Princeton Quantum Initiative
- [PDRA] Postdoctoral Research Associate in Princeton Quantum Initiative (PQI) (2024/10/20 11:59PM)
Stanford University, Q-FARM
- [POSTDOC] Bloch Fellowship in Quantum Science and Engineering (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
Stanford University / SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Fundamental Physics Directorate
- [DMQIS] Postdoctoral Research Associate position at the Kavli Institute of Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Stony Brook University, C.N. Yang Institute for Theoretical Physics
- [POSTDOC25] Postdoctoral Positions (2024/12/06 11:59PM)
Syracuse University, Institute for Quantum and Information Sciences
- [QIS] Theoretical and Experimental Positions in Quantum and Information Sciences (2024/11/30 11:59PM)
Technische Universität Berlin, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (Faculty IV)
- [POSTDOC] Post Doc in Quantum Sensing for Brain Scanning (Computational + Experimental) (2024/10/18 11:59PM)
Technische Universität München, Physics Department Condensed Matter Theory
- [POSTDOC] Postdoctoral Research Positions in Condensed Matter and Quantum Information Theory at TU Munich (2024/11/25 11:59PM)
Tsinghua University, Institute for Advanced Study
- [POSTDOCTORALFELLOW2] Postdoctoral Fellow Positions on Theoretical Quantum Matter at IAS, Tsinghua University
- [POSTDOCTORALFELLOW3] Postdoctoral Fellow Positions on Quantum Computation and Simulation in Tsinghua University (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
University of Chicago, Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering
- [QPDF2025] 2025 UChicago Quantum Theory Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship
University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC), Institute of Fundamental and Frontier Sciences
- [RF2] Postdoctoral Researcher (Quantum Computing/Information)
University of Kentucky, Department of Physics & Astronomy
- [APTHEORY2024] Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
- [HEPTH2024] Postdoc in theoretical physics (hep-th) (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
- [URM2024] Postdocs in theoretical physics for women and members of underrepresented groups
University of Maryland, Joint Quantum Institute/Joint Center for Quantum Information and Computer Science
University of Notre Dame, Department of Physics and Astronomy
- [JINPD] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Emergent Quantum Systems Lab (2025/01/21 11:59PM)
University of Southern California, Zhuang Group, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering
- [POSTDOC] postdoctoral scholar (2024/12/17 11:59PM)
The University of Texas at Austin, Physics
- [POSTDOC1] Postdoctoral Fellow - Quantum Information Science (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
(40 positions listed)