Job Listings
All, accelerator(2), astrophysics(4), BSM(4), BSM new physics(7), Computational(3), cosmology(5), Dark Matter(6), Electroweak Symmetry Breaking(7), Experiment(6), Experimental(9), Flavor Physics(4), Higgs physics(6), LHC(9), Machine Learning(4), Neutrino(2), Neutrino physics and Astrophysics(8), nuclear physics and technology(2), Phenomenology(5), Physics(4), Quantum Field Theory(3), spallation neutron sources(1), synchrotron light sources(1), Theoretical Particle Physics(14), theory(5) ...more...
RIKEN, interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program (iTHEMS)
- [RS] Seeking a few Postdoctoral Researchers or Research Scientists (W24214)
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Physics
- [HEP] Assistant Professor of High Energy Physics (2024/12/16 11:59PM)
University of Oxford, Mathematical Physics Group
- [PDRA] Three Postdoc Positions (2024/12/02 11:59PM*)
(5 positions listed)