The University of Tokyo, Center for Coproduction of Inclusion, Diversity and Equity
Technological Innovation
Health Innovation and Technology
Gender and Feminist Studies (more...)
(1) Based on previous achievements in the field of science and technology, plan and promote joint research and development in science and technology from a gender perspective.
(2) Based on previous achievements in the field of gender studies, plan and promote joint research and development in science and technology from a gender perspective.
(2) For those with previous achievements in gender studies, have aspirations to change the world by planning and promoting research and development in science and technology.
For those with previous achievements in science and technology, have aspirations to change the world by planning and promoting research and development from the gender perspective.
(3) Leadership qualities to organize and lead collaborative teams consisting of independent researchers within and outside IncluDE, as well as abilities to conduct one’s own research.
(4) A doctorate degree in a related field.
(5) Eagerness to develop research and education in international settings, with advanced skills in international communication and international research networks. Experience in conducting research in a foreign country and/or international joint research is desirable.
(6) Ability to carry out work in cooperation with relevant parties, including minority parties, both within and outside the university, as a member of the university-wide organizational staff.
(7) Japanese language skills to be able to carry out on-campus duties is desirable.
(1) Resume - Use the University of Tokyo Standard Resume Format. (Download the form from the following URL, complete and convert it to a pdf file. Attaching your photograph is not necessary, and stating your gender is optional.) (English ver.) (Japanese ver.)
(2) Overview of your research and education activities to date (approximately one A4 sheet).
(3) List of research outputs to date (books, academic papers, awards, etc.).
If you are registered on Researchmap, the URL for your page ( is acceptable.
You may include experiences in planning and/or implementing the projects related to gender equity or minority support: Be sure to describe your roles in the projects and add the name(s) of a person/people who can explain the projects in (7).
(4) Major research publications in the field of gender studies or of science and technology (up to 3 items).
If you have publications in both of the fields mentioned above, you can submit up to 3 items for each field
(up to 6 items in total).
(As a rule, please submit in PDF format.)
(5) A plan of collaborative research you would like to organize after arrival (approximately one to two
pages of A4).
(6) Aspirations for working at UTokyo IncluDE (approximately one A4 sheet). Please refer to the center’s
website (
(7) Two or more references: Name, position, and point of contact (phone and email address).
* After screening, candidates may be requested to submit additional materials.
We are not accepting applications for this job through AcademicJobsOnline.Org right now. Please apply at .
- Contact: Diversity Promotion Group, The University of Tokyo
- Email:
- Postal Mail:
- 7-3-1 Hongo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8654 Japan
- Web Page: