Universite de Sherbrooke, Institut Quantique

Position ID:
Universite de Sherbrooke-Institut Quantique-PDF3 [#22677]
Position Title: 
Postdoctoral Scholar - Theory of superconducting quantum devices
Position Type:
Position Location:
Sherbrooke, Quebec J1K 2R1, Canada
Subject Areas: 
Theoretical Physics / Quantum Optics
Quantum Information Science
Appl Deadline:
2024/05/31 11:59PMhelp popup filled (posted 2022/09/07, updated 2023/09/19, listed until 2024/05/31)
Position Description:

*** the listing date or deadline for this position has passed and new applications are no longer accepted. ***

Theory of superconducting quantum circuits & circuit QED

Postdoc positions in quantum computing


About Theory of superconducting quantum devices group

Led by Alexandre Blais, the group specializes in quantum computing and quantum optics in circuit QED, a leading quantum computer architecture. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to, superconducting quantum circuits, circuit QED, quantum error correction, microwave quantum optics, variational quantum algorithms, and machine learning.

As a member of the group, you'll be part of a close-knit community collaborating with leading academic and industrial partners worldwide. Members of the group also benefit from participation in the Quantum Science Accelerator, a US Department of Energy funded research network, and CIFAR's quantum information program. To find out more about the group and the advantages of joining it, visit our website.

Job description

Role : As part of an experienced team, carry out original research in the field of quantum information science, in a bilingual (English/French) environment. With the freedom to choose the projects that matches your interests, this is the perfect opportunity to lay the foundations for your career.

Salary : $65 000CAD/year 

Location : Located in Quebec, Canada, the Institut quantique (IQ) at the Université de Sherbrooke is a collaborative environment with over 300 students, postdocs and faculty members pioneering advancements in the fields of quantum information science, quantum engineering and quantum materials. IQ's modern and architecturally unique building, inaugurated in 2022, offers an array of collaborative spaces to inspire creativity and innovation.

Located in the heart of Sherbrooke, a thriving urban area (225 000 people) in the midst of the Appalachian range, you'll enjoy the perfect balance of peaceful surroundings and city amenities. Sherbrooke's human-scale campus and welcoming community provide the ideal backdrop for your journey. The Université de Sherbrooke is amongst the top three universities for quantum research in Canada and is only 150 km (93 miles) away from Montreal, a vibrant city with an international airport and excellent flight connections to Europe, USA and South America.


We're looking for highly motivated candidates, capable of working independently on their projects while actively collaborating with other group members. If your academic background or profile doesn't, at first glance, seem directly related to our research interests, tell us how your expertise could be useful to the group and your motivation to join us. We believe that a diverse team enhances creativity, promotes innovation, and empowers us to make groundbreaking advancements in our field. We are committed to fostering a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment.

To apply

Submit a statement of interest and a CV including a list of publications. Applicants should also arrange to have two letters of references sent in support of the application. Applications will be considered until all positions are filled.

Application Materials Required:
Submit the following items online at this website to complete your application:
  • Cover letter
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Two reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site help popup)
And anything else requested in the position description.

Further Info:
email address
Institut quantique
Université de Sherbrooke
2500, boul. de l’Université
Sherbrooke (Québec)