2023/03/23 11:59PM finished (2023/03/08, finished 2023/07/11, listed until 2023/09/08)
Position Description:
*** this position has been closed. ***
The Department of Computer Sciences is seeking to add teaching faculty members to its current roster of fifteen teaching faculty. Duties of teaching faculty include teaching (primarily) introductory and (occasionally) advanced computer science courses, and participating in department service.
Job Summary:
90%: The primary duties are teaching, overseeing, and developing materials for a variety of undergraduate computer science courses. The courses to be taught include all introductory programming courses (level 200-400), and may also include advanced undergraduate courses (level 500); see http://www.cs.wisc.edu/courses/list for the list of courses. The standard workload is two 3-4 credit courses per semester, which may be two of lectures of the same course or two different courses. Class sizes are typically in the 150-300 student range. Associated duties include, but are not limited to: maintaining course web pages; developing exams and assignments; managing student grades; developing and maintaining course management tools to support grading and testing; holding weekly office hours; training and supervising teaching assistants. Depending on the course, teaching assistants may lead discussion and laboratory sections.
10%: Duties also include service on departmental committees associated with undergraduate education and advising, teaching a I-credit course, developing new curricula, or other similar duties.
The position being recruited will start in August 2023.