Hiroshima University, The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter

Position Description
The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (WPI-SKCM2) at Hiroshima University is currently accepting applications for Postdoctoral Fellows.
We encourage applications from candidates across diverse disciplines who are interested in conducting research on topics related to topology and/or chirality primarily within the center’s focus areas.
Research topics include topological structures in real and momentum space, chiral magnets, experimental or theoretical research in high energy physics, soft matter, supramolecular chemistry, earth & planetary sciences, biophysics, mathematical physics, pure & applied math.
See this link for more information about potential research topics.
Postdoctoral researchers are strongly encouraged to engage in interdisciplinary fusion research and will have the opportunity to collaborate with at least WPI-SKCM2 mentors.
Applicants with a background in the following areas would be ideal candidates:
(2) Particle & Nuclear Physics and Cosmology
(3) Soft Matter, Chemical & Biological Systems
(4) Pure & Applied Math & Theoretical Science
Mentorship & Collaboration Structure
Postdocs will have three WPI-SKCM² mentors.
Primary Mentor: A PI from your primary thrust, such as Quantum Matter, Particle & Nuclear Physics & Cosmology, Soft Matter, Chemical & Biological Systems; or Pure & Applied Math and Theoretical Science.
Second Mentor: A PI from a different thrust to support fusion research.
Third Mentor: Any faculty member affiliated with the center.
At least one mentor would ideally be from outside of Japan, to enable international research exchange, and having more than three mentors is possible. Information about potential mentors can be found here.
As a research center under the Japanese government’s World Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI), WPI-SKCM² pioneers a new interdisciplinary research paradigm known as "knotted chiral meta matter" (KCM²), which cross-pollinates topology and chirality across disciplines and scales. While our work is rooted in fundamental research, many of WPI-SKCM² efforts aim to advance technologies that address knotty global challenges like growing energy demand and climate change
About the Role, Benefits and Working Environment
Our Postdoctoral Fellow positions typically run for three years with the potential for a two-year extension based on job performance, funding availability, and ongoing operational needs.
Each postdoc will have a primary mentor and two co-mentors from different fields and/or countries. Potential mentors and the corresponding institutions, including Hiroshima University, Tokyo Institute of Science, MIT, RIKEN, Cambridge University, CU-Boulder, and many more, can be found here.
Salaries are competitive, comparable to those at other prestigious international institutions. Additionally, postdocs are eligible for startup funds to support collaborative research, and funding to travel to conferences and schools organized by WPI-SKCM², as well as to visit international WPI-SKCM² nodes for research collaborations.
As a WPI research center, WPI-SKCM² fosters an international research environment where about 50% of researchers are non-Japanese, with English being the official language. We are committed to diversity and equal opportunity, and encourage applications from all qualified individuals worldwide, including women, persons with disabilities, and underrepresented minorities, without discrimination based on race, color, religion, or gender identity, or other characteristics.
Ph.D. in mathematics; physical, chemical, or biological sciences; engineering; or related fields
Strong record of academic publishing
Interest in WPI-SKCM² fusion research that contributes to sustainability
Proficiency in English
Required documents
Cover letter (including the name(s) of the mentors you wish to work with according to the Mentor & Collaboration Structure listed above. See list here)
Curriculum vitae (including email address and citizenship)
A list of publications
A list of 3 references with contact information (please include email and phone information)
All application documents should be uploaded via this main AcademicJobsOnline.org posting that collects applications for all available postdoctoral positions.
(registration required)
Application Review, Deadline & Contact
This job posting shall remain open until the positions are filled (applications will be reviewed regularly).
Personal information obtained from application documents will not be used or provided to any third party for purposes other than the necessary procedures related to personnel affairs, salary, and welfare.
Email inquiries regarding the application process may be directed to chiral_at_office.hiroshima-u.ac.jp.
Application Materials Required:
- Cover letter
- Curriculum Vitae
- Publication list
- Three reference letters (to be submitted online by the reference writers on this site
Further Info: