College of Engineering & Computing: Multiple Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor positions (2) to
teach undergraduate courses beginning in Fall 2023. Primary responsibilities include teaching courses in
the first-year engineering/computing course sequence in the College of Engineering and Computing. This
project-driven course sequence utilizes active learning and inclusive pedagogical principles, and it
integrates technical concepts from the four departments of the College (Computer Science and Software
Engineering; Chemical, Paper and Biomedical Engineering; Electrical and Computer Engineering;
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering). Additional responsibilities include teaching other
undergraduate courses as appropriate to the candidate’s education and expertise; advising undergraduate
students; and providing professional service to the department, college, and institution. An
Assistant/Associate Teaching Professor may also teach graduate courses. Position begins August 2023.
Required: Ph.D. in one of the core disciplines of the College of Engineering and Computing, or a closely
related field, by date of appointment for appointment as an Assistant Teaching Professor. These
disciplines include computer science, software engineering, chemical engineering, biomedical
engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, mechanical engineering, manufacturing
engineering, and engineering education. To be appointed to the Associate rank, the candidate must have
three or more years of full-time higher education teaching experience in one of these disciplines.
Consideration may be given to candidates with extensive experience in engineering or computing or prior
teaching experience at the college level.
Submit cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy, and a 1-page statement addressing past and/or
potential contributions to advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion through research, teaching, and/or
service to
Department will request letters of recommendation from references listed in application. Inquiries may be
addressed to Screening of applications will begin December 1,
2022 and will continue until the position is filled.