Service outage update: General access for employers and applicants to services on this site are still unavailable at this time (3/27/2025). IT staff are actively working to restore services but the timeline has not been confirmed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

If you are an employer and require application info for pressing needs, please contact us at

Notice: We had a local network problem yesterday (3/19/2025) afternoon which brought down all our services including the websites and mail servers. We are working on restoring the services asap. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Serving academic institutions worldwide for over 18 years

a static google map image of employers to show our services being used worldwide.

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AJO twitter listPrivacy Policy/Legal Statement: Security and privacy are our top priorities and we are doing our best to comply with relevant data protection regulations, to preserve your privacy and to make sure your data is available only to the intended parties. No others shall be granted access to your data unless required by law; and you will be notified by email as soon as possible if such access becomes necessary. Data is collected and used for the sole purpose of facilitating the application/hiring process for participated employers, and we don't sell or share data with any other third parties. In no event shall the developers or the sponsors or the service providers be liable for any damage claims or expenses or other liability this service might or might not cause. Users (including applicants, referees, employers and all others) are solely responsible for the appropriateness, completeness, truthfullness, lawfulness and availability of their data. Accounts may be suspended or terminated at any time for any reason deemed necessary by the site administrators. This service is provided "as is", without any warranty (either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement, or data accuracy). Employers should see our License Agreement for more details. This site uses cookies for user session management only, and they are not required for accessing public data such as job postings. By accessing any services on this site, you acknowledge and agree to these conditions and accept our Privacy Statement.

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