Job Listings
All, + (5), accelerator (1), Accelerator and Beam Physics (2), Accelerator and Plasma Physics (2), Accelerator Physics (4), AdS/CFT (1), Any (6), Applied Energy research (1), Applied Physics (3), Artificial Intelligence (1) ...more... Astronomy (2), Astronomy (3), Astronomy and Astrophysics (2), Astronomy and Astrophysics (4), Astroparticle Physics (9), Astroparticle Physics (2), Astrophysics (3), Astrophysics (5), astrophysics (1), Astrophysics (1), astrophysics (10), Astrophysics (2), Astrophysics (astro-ph) (13), Astrophysics and Gravitational Physics (3), Astrophysics Computational (2), Astrophysics Experiment (7), Astrophysics Theory (11), ATLAS (1), Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics (6), Atomic Physics (6), Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics (5), atomic-molecular-optical physics (1), Atomic/Molecular Physics (2), Attosecond science (1), Biological Physics (4), Biology (2), Biophysics (7), Biophysics (1), Biophysics/Soft Condensed Matter Theory (1), Black holes (3), Black Holes (1), BSM new physics (2), Chemical Engineering (1), Chemistry (3), Cold Atom Physics (2), Cold Atom Physics (4), Cold Atoms and Molecules (2), Cold QCD Group (1), collider physics (1), Collider physics (1), Collinear Fast Beam Laser Spectroscopy (1), Complex Quantum Systems (2), Complex systems including applications to biology (1), Computational (1), Computational Astrophysics (6), Computational Materials Sciences (4), Computational physics (11), Computational Physics (1), cond-mat-ex (1), cond-mat-th (2), condensed matter analogues of axions (1), Condensed Matter Experiment (6), Condensed Matter Physics (22), Condensed Matter Physics, Electronic Structure, Strongly Correlated Materials (6), Condensed Matter Physics; Condensed Matter Theory; Computational Physics; X-ray Spectroscopy; Electronic Structure; Ultrafast Dynamics (6), Condensed matter theory (2), Condensed Matter Theory (13), Condensed Matter Theory (22), condensed matter theory; ultracold quantum gases (3), Conformal Field Theory (1), Cosmic Microwave Background (2), Cosmic Rays (1), Cosmology (5), Cosmology (2), Cosmology (8), cosmology (1), Cosmology (1), Cosmology (14), Dark Matter (5), Dark Matter (2), Dark Matter (9), Data analysis (1), Data Analysis and Interpretation (1), Dynamical and non-equilibrium phase transitions (1), EIC (1), Electron Hydrodynamics (1), electron-positron collisions (1), electron-proton collisions (1), Electronic Detector Group (1), Electroweak Symmetry Breaking (2), Elementary Particle Physics (5), Elementary Particle Theory (5), Engineering (3), Environment (1), Experiment (3), Experimental (3), Experimental Astroparticle Physics (1), Experimental Astrophysics (3), Experimental Astrophysics (1), Experimental Condensed Matter (4), Experimental High Energy Physics (4), Experimental Particle Physics (10), Experimental Physics (12), Experimental Solid State (1), Experimental Subatomic Physics (1), Experimental Ultrafast Physics (3), Field Theory (1), Fluid Physics (3), Fundamental interactions (1), Fundamental Quantum Science (4), Fundamental Theory/Cosmology (1), Galaxy Formation (1), General relativity (2), GR-Cosmology (gr-qc) (9), Gravitation Theory (1), Gravitational Physics (6), Gravitational Theory (4), Gravitational Wave Sources (4), Gravitational Waves (3), Gravitational Waves (3), Gravitational waves (2), Gravity (6), Gravity, Quantum Information, Cosmology (4), Hadron Physics (7), Hadron Physics, String Theory, Mathematical Physics, Cosmology, Gravity, Theoretical Astrophysics, Experimental Astrophysics, Astroparticle Physics (7), Hard Condensed Matter Physics (1), Hard Condensed Matter Theory (4), hep (3), HEP-Experiment (hep-ex) (11), hep-lat (5), HEP-Lattice (hep-lat) (7), hep-ph (6), HEP-Phenomenology (hep-ph) (19), hep-th (8), HEP-Theory (hep-th) (15), HEP-Theory (hep-th) (4), Higgs physics (3), High Energy Astrophysics (4), High energy density matter (4), High Energy Experimental (4), High Energy Physics (14), high energy physics or mathematical physics (2), High Energy Theory (5), High Energy Theory Group (4), High Performance Computing (3), Holographic Condensed Matter Systems (1), Holographic Dualities (1), Holography (1), HP-Theory (4), Hybrid Quantum Systems (1), Instrumentation/Observation/Experiment (2), Interdisciplinary Physics (2), Large-scale structure (1), Lattice Field Theory (1), Lattice QCD (6), LHC (4), Light-front Physics (1), Living Systems (1), Machine Learning (11), Material Science (4), Materials Science (7), Materials Sciences (4), materials theory (1), materials theory; (3), materials-related physics (4), Mathematical Physics (6), mathematical physics (1), Mathematical physics (2), mathematics (2), Matter Theory (1), Medical Physics (2), Mesoscopic Physics/Nanoscience (1), Metrology (3), Multi-messenger Astronomy (1), Nano- and Optomechanis (1), Nanomechanics (2), Nanoscience (2), Nanotechnology (5), Networks (1), Neutrino (2), Neutrino Astronomy (2), Neutrino Astronomy (2), Neutrino physics (9), Neutrino physics and Astrophysics (2), Neutrino physucs (1), Neutron Stars (1), Noise mitigation (1), Non-equilibrium quantum physics (4), non-Hermitian systems (1), Nonequilibrium dynamics (1), Nonequilibrium physics in bulk and molecular quantum materials (2), Nonlinear and Complex Systems (4), Nonlinear Integral Systems, Classical and Quantum (1), Nuclear & Particle Experiment (2), Nuclear & Particle Theory (1), Nuclear & Particle Theory (2), Nuclear and Many-Body Theory (2), Nuclear and Many-Body Theory (3), Nuclear and Particle Physics Software (4), Nuclear astrophysics (1), Nuclear Experiment (nucl-ex) (7), Nuclear Physics (8), Nuclear Structure Theory (1), Nuclear Theory (5), Nuclear Theory (nucl-th) (5), Nuclear Theory-QCD (4), Numerical Astrophysics (1), Numerical Simulations (1), Observational (1), Observational (1), Optical Physics (4), optics (1), Optics and Photonics (5), Optomechanics (1), Particle (5), Particle and Nuclear Physics (2), particle astrophysics (4), Particle Astrophysics (9), Particle Experiment (part-ex) (6), particle phenomenology and astroparticle physics (5), Particle Physics (2), Particle Physics (16), Particle physics (theoretical and experimental) (3), Particle Physics Detectors and Instrumentation (2), Particle Theory (5), Particle/Cosmology Theory (9), Phenomenology (2), Phenomenology (2), Phenomenology (2), Physics (2), Physics (21), Physics (1), Physics (4), Physics - Mathematical Physics (7), Physics Beyond Standard Model (1), Physics Education (1), Physics Education Research (1), Physics Outreach (1), Planetary Atmospheres (1), Plasma Physics (3), QCD (5), QCD (1), Quantum chaos and thermalization (3), Quantum Computation (10), Quantum Computing (17), Quantum Computing (2), quantum computing (2), Quantum Condensed Matter Theory (9), Quantum Condensed Matter Theory (2), Quantum Control (1), Quantum Devices and Sensing (2), Quantum Dynamics (1), Quantum Field Theory (4), Quantum Field Theory (1), Quantum Field Theory (4), Quantum Field Theory (9), quantum gravity (3), quantum gravity (6), Quantum Gravity (3), Quantum Gravity, Cosmology, Condsend matter theory and Quantum Information Theory (3), Quantum Hydrodynamics (3), Quantum Information (3), Quantum Information (9), Quantum Information Processing and Communication (1), Quantum Information Science (12), Quantum Information Theory (4), quantum information/computation (1), Quantum information/quantum matter (5), quantum many-body (2), Quantum Materials (1), Quantum Optics (4), Quantum Optics (4), Quantum Optics and Quantum Science (4), Quantum Physics (4), Quantum Scienc (1), Quantum Science (6), Quantum Science + Quantum Information Science + Quantum Optics + Theoretical Physics (3), Quantum Sensing (2), Quantum Sensors (5), Quantum Simulation (3), Quantum Technology (2), Quantum Transport (2), Quantum transport in low-dimensional systems (1), Quantum Transport in topological phases (1), Relativity (1), Scattering amplitudes (3), Soft Condensed Matter Physics (4), Soft Condensed Matter Theory (6), Soft Matter (6), Space Technology and its Applications (1), Statistical Mechanics (3), Statistical physics (1), Statistical physics (6), Stellar Astrophysics (3), String Theory (13), String Theory (4), String theory (4), String Theory/Quantum Gravity/Field Theory (9), string-math (6), Strong field physics (4), Strongly Correlated Materials (3), superconducting qubits (1), Superfluidity and superconductivity (1), theoretical (2), theoretical (1), theoretical astroparticle physics (8), Theoretical Astrophysics (2), Theoretical Astrophysics (8), Theoretical Astrophysics (6), theoretical atomic (3), Theoretical atomic physics (3), theoretical biology (3), Theoretical Condensed Matter (4), Theoretical condensed matter physics (2), theoretical condensed matter physics (8), Theoretical High Energy Physics (2), Theoretical high energy physics (6), Theoretical High-Energy (5), Theoretical High-Energy (1), theoretical nuclear (4), Theoretical particle physics (7), Theoretical Particle Physics (14), Theoretical Particle Physics (5), Theoretical Particle Physics (2), Theoretical Physics (1), Theoretical Physics (18), Theoretical Physics / Astrophysics, Cosmology, Gravitational waves, Particle physics (theoretical and experimental) Physics / Astroparticle Physics, Astrophysics (astro-ph), Astrophysics Theory, Cosmology, Dark Matter, Elementary Particle Physics, Element (2), Theoretical Physics, HEP-Phenomenology (hep-ph), Astrophysics (astro-ph), GR-Cosmology (gr-qc) (1), Theoretical Physics, HEP-Phenomenology (hep-ph), Astrophysics (astro-ph), GR-Cosmology (gr-qc), Cosmology, Gravity, Astrophysics Theory, Particle Astrophysics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Particle/Cosmology Theory, Fundamental Theory/Cosmology, particl (2), Theoretical Physics, HEP-Phenomenology (hep-ph), Astrophysics (astro-ph), GR-Cosmology (gr-qc),Cosmology, Gravity, Astrophysics Theory, Particle Astrophysics, Theoretical Particle Physics, Particle/Cosmology Theory, Fundamental Theory/Cosmology, particle (1), Theoretical Quantum Science (2), Theoretical Soft Matter Physics (5), Theory (2), Theory of Particle Physics (4), Time-Domain (2), topological states (3), Ultra-cold gases, quantum optics, and quantum information (4), Ultracold Atomic Gases (1), ultracold quantum gases (1), Ultrafast Science (1), X-ray instrumentation (2), X-ray Science (1)
[MHEPTH2024 ] Faculty Position for Theoretical Medium and High-energy Physics (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
[PALM ] Faculty positions in Soft Matter physics, Biophysics, Fluid physics and Nonequilibrium Statistical Physics (2025/08/31 11:59PM)
[QMP ] FACULTY POSITIONS (2025/08/31 11:59PM)
[FACULTY ] Faculty positions (Full/Associate/Assistant Research Fellow)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral positions with newly created Focused Research Hub on Advancing the Theory of Nuclear Double-Beta Decay
[PD ] Postdoctoral positions in Cosmology (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
[RA ] Post doctoral research associate
[MSC ] Physics at Ariel University- M.Sc / Direct Ph.D Program (with scholarship) (deadline 2024/08/15 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC2 ] Postdoctoral Research Scholar (deadline 2024/04/22 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC3 ] Postdoctoral Research Scholar
[PHD ] PhD position in instrumentation for observational Cosmology (deadline 2024/08/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Contributions to the end-to-end development and characterization of the CMB-S4 detection and data processing chain (deadline 2024/08/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC1 ] POSTDOC on Dark Matter Theory (finished , deadline 2024/04/20 11:59PM)
[PDP2 ] postdoc position in theoretical condensed matter
[PDP3 ] postdoc position in theoretical condensed matter
[PDNONEQ1 ] Postdoc position in non-equilibrium quantum many-body physics in Ben-Gurion University (accepting applications )
[PHDNONEQ1 ] PhD in non-equilibrium quantum many-body systems in Ben-Gurion University (accepting applications )
[PHD ] PhD position in theoretical condensed matter physics and quantum information (deadline 2024/06/15 11:59PM)
[BIRUNIAWARD ] Graduate Student "Biruni" Award (2025/02/03 11:59PM)
[AWARDEE ] BNL Physics Department Leona Woods Distinguished Postdoctoral Lectureship 2024/25 Award
[PRA2 ] Postdoc Research Associate on Neutrino Software & Computing and Physics(Job ID JR101077)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Associate (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[PRA1 ] Postdoctoral Research Associate (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[AWSPD ] AWS Quantum Postdoctoral Scholars (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[BURKEPD ] Burke Fellowships in Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[EXPPD ] EXP Fellowships in Experimental Physics and Astrophysics (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[EXPPHY ] Faculty Position in Experimental Physics (2024/10/06 11:59PM)
[IQIMPD ] IQIM Postdoctoral Scholars (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[PDCOSMO ] Postdoctoral position in cosmological survey science and machine learning (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[PDHSF ] Postdoctoral Scholar (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[TDAPD ] Postdoctoral Scholarship in Time Domain Astronomy (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[IPHTPARISTOPO2 ] Postdoctoral Position in Condensed Matter and Materials Theory (2024/10/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTORALFELLOWSHIP ] 2025 Postdoctoral Fellowship at The Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (ITAMP) (2024/11/25 11:59PM)
[AIFELLOW ] AstroAI Fellowship (2024/10/31 11:59PM)
[EAIFELLOW ] EarthAI Fellow (2024/10/31 11:59PM)
[PDLQCD ] Postdoctoral position in the Lattice QCD Group at CCNU in 2024
[AP ] Assistant Professor Position in Experimental Neutrino Astrophysics and Multi-messenger Astronomy (deadline 2024/09/16 11:59PM)
[P ] Full Professor Position in Experimental Astroparticle Physics and Multi-messenger Astronomy (deadline 2024/09/16 11:59PM)
[AP ] Assistant Professor(s)
[AP1 ] Assistant Professor(s)
[PHD ] PhD Position in Astrophysics and Particle Physics (2024/11/10 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Researcher in Numerical Modeling of Space Instruments with Machine Learning for the Euclid Mission (deadline 2024/09/01 11:59PM)
[YTL ] Young Team Leader in Physics at Collège de France (2024/12/15 11:59PM* )
[AP ] Assistant Professor (2024/11/15 11:59PM* )
[PDPH ] Postdoctoral Associate, Bio & Env. Eng.
[PD ] Postdoctoral Associcate (2024/12/01 11:59PM* )
[POSTDOCDC ] Postdoctoral Associate (2024/12/01 11:59PM* )
[BWKDOC24 ] LASSP Bethe/Wilkins/KIC Condensed Matter Physics Theory Postdoc
[POSTDOC4 ] Research Scientist in Experimental Superconducting Qubits (deadline 2024/06/14 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC5 ] Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quantum Machine Learning (deadline 2024/08/21 11:59PM)
[JRC ] Philippe Meyer Junior Research Chairs (2024/11/10 11:59PM* )
[COMPOPSINTERN ] CMS Computing Internship (deadline 2024/09/16 11:59PM)
[LDR2025 ] LPC Distinguished Researcher (deadline 2024/08/02 11:59PM)
[LGS2025 ] Narain LPC Graduate Scholar 2025 (deadline 2024/09/13 11:59PM)
[FELLOWSHIP ] Dirac Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC1 ] postdoctoral position in theoretical particle physics (2024/10/01 11:59PM)
[AIML25 ] Open-Rank, Tenured/Tenure-Track Position in Physics - Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning - Job ID 276418
[APASTRO25 ] Open Rank, Non-Tenure Track Academic Professional or Sr. Academic Professional Faculty Position in the School of Physics – Job ID 276932
[NEUTRINO25 ] Open Rank, Tenure Track Position in Experimental or Theoretical Neutrino - Physics. Job ID 276476
[PD ] Postdoctoral positions for Condensed Matter Group “High Pressure, Spectroscopy, Spin Dynamics, and Topology in Quantum Matters Supported By Brain Korea 21 Fellowship.” (2025/06/26 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Fellow (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Fellow, Experimental Axion Dark Matter Detection and Quantum Sensing, Harvard University, Physics (deadline 2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[TTAP25 ] Assistant Professor of Physics (Tenure-Track) (deadline 2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[DFP1 ] Doctoral Fellow Positions
[IKS1 ] SKCM2 InternKNOTship: Internship in Knotted Chiral Meta Matter
[IT ] Graphics Illustrator/ IT Professional at The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (WPI-SKCM2 )
[POSTDOC1 ] Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at The International Institute for Sustainability with Knotted Chiral Meta Matter (SKCM2 ), Hiroshima University, Japan
[CMP1 ] Tenure-Track Faculty Position (PHYS2509)
[POSTDOC1_KTLAW ] Postdoctoral Positions
[PTCC1 ] Tenure-Track Faculty Positions (PHYS1017C)
[PTCH1 ] Tenure-Track Faculty Positions (PHYS1017H)
[PTCP1 ] Tenure-Track Faculty Positions (PHYS1017P)
[PHD ] Ph.D. Opportunities in Quantum Machine Learning and Fundamental Physics (deadline 2024/07/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Fellowship in Quantum Machine Learning and Fundamental Physics (deadline 2024/07/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC1 ] Postdoctoral fellow positions at the Center for Future High Energy Physics
[POSTDOC_EXP ] Postdoc in Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (moiré van der Waals materials) (2024/11/30 11:59PM)
[AS ] Call for Expression of Interest (2025): Assistant Professor (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[PD ] Postdoctoral Research (deadline 2024/04/17 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC7 ] Postdoctoral researcher position in Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics
[ERCZALA ] "Weakly driven quantum symmetries" ERC positions (deadline 2024/06/09 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC15 ] postdoctoral fellow for CMB data analysis and simulation (deadline 2024/04/30 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC17 ] QUP Postdoctoral Fellows in Experimental Physics (2024/11/30 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC18 ] QUP Postdoctoral Fellows in Theoretical Physics (2024/11/30 11:59PM)
[PD2024FLAV ] Postdoctoral Research Position on particle physics (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Position in Theoretical High Energy Physics (deadline 2024/06/01 11:59PM)
[APP ] Assistant Professor of Physics (2024/12/15 11:59PM)
[EXP ] Instrument/Experiment Postdoctoral position at the LIGO Laboratory
[JUNIORFELLOWSHIP ] Russian and Ukrainian Junior Fellowships (2024/12/02 11:59PM)
[CMT ] Condensed Matter Theory Scientist
[NAPD ] Nuclear Astrophysics Researcher
[NTPD ] Nuclear Theory Postdoc Fellowships (2024/12/06 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTORAL ] Postdoctoral Researcher (Experimental Neutrino Physics)
[FELLOW ] IAIFI Fellow (2024/10/09 11:59PM)
[HIG01 ] Postdoctoral Associate (deadline 2024/05/01 11:59PM)
[HIG02 ] Postdoctoral Associate (deadline 2024/06/01 11:59PM)
[MILNER3_CLAS12 ] Postdoctoral Associate (deadline 2024/06/01 11:59PM)
[SMITHAUG2024 ] Postdoctoral Associate
[PDA ] LIGO Postdoctoral Associate (deadline 2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Two postdoctoral positions in Quantum Algorithm Development (2024/10/07 11:59PM)
[PDACMP ] Postdoctoral Research Associate (deadline 2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[DAP ] Designated Assistant Professor (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[NCTS_TG1_PD ] Postdoctoral Research Scholars (Theoretical Quantum Information Science) (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
[NCTS_TG2_PD ] Postdoctoral Research Scholars (Theoretical High Energy Physics, Particle Phenomenology, Theoretical and Computational Astrophysics, and Cosmology) (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
[NCTS_TG3_PD ] Postdoctoral Research Scholars (Condensed Matter Theory and Computational Materials Physics) (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
[NCTS_TG4_PD ] Postdoctoral Research Scholars (High-performance computation and machine learning, Chemical Physics, Physical Chemistry, Nano-science, Biophysics, Statistical Physics and Complex Systems) (2025/03/31 11:59PM)
[RAPRP ] Tenure-track Faculty Positions in Physics (2024/11/25 11:59PM)
[RAPRP1 ] Tenure-track Faculty Positions in Physics (2024/11/30 11:59PM)
[NIFS61 ] Professor, Associate Professor or Assistant Professor: (1)a few (up to ten people) / (2)1 person or more (woman only) (2024/11/12 03:00AM)
[PHYSICS1 ] Non-tenure-track Teaching Faculty Positions of Physics
[PHYSICS2 ] Tenure-Track Faculty Positions of Physics
[PD4 ] Postdoctoral Position in Condensed Matter Theory
[PD5 ] Postdoctoral Position in Artificial Intelligence and Theoretical Physics
[NTUPHYSICS ] Faculty Positions in Physics, Applied physics and Astrophysics at National Taiwan University (2024/12/15 11:59PM)
[FACULTY ] Faculty Position (2024/10/31 11:59PM)
[FACULTY ] Any rank of Full, Associate and Assistant professor
[FELLOWSHIP ] James Arthur Postdoctoral Fellowship – Focus on Astrophysics & Cosmology (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[TQMPD24 ] Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Materials and Devices and Machine Learning for Quantum Materials (2024/12/20 11:59PM* )
[PD ] Postdoc position in condensed matter theory and quantum Information (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCADLER ] CIERA/Adler Postdoctoral Fellowship Position in Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024/11/18 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCFELLOW ] CIERA Postdoctoral Fellowship Positions in Astronomy (2024/11/18 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCFLUID ] Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics (2024/11/18 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCOBSERVATION ] Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Observational Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024/11/18 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTHEORY ] Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Theoretical Astronomy & Astrophysics (2024/11/18 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] CCAPP Postdoctoral Fellow (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[OESCMT ] Ohio Eminent Scholar in Condensed Matter Theory
[VS ] [OIST] Open Call for Visiting Scholars in FY2025 (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[PD ] 2+1 year postdoc position in Qubits and Spacetime Unit, OIST (deadline 2024/07/01 11:59PM)
[NUPD ] Postdoctoral scholar (deadline 2024/09/01 11:59PM)
[HIGHENERGYPARTICLEPHYSICS ] Postdoctoral Positions in the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) at Peking University, Beijing (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[FACULTY2023 ] Faculty Positions in astrophysics at Peking University (2024/11/14 11:59PM)
[ASSOCFULL ] Associate Professor/Professor of Physics (2024/12/06 11:59PM)
[2025PHDAWARD ] 2025 Expression of Interest for PhD Residency Award
[2025PSI ] 2025 Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) Program (2025/02/01 11:59PM)
[2024GENFAC ] 2024 General Faculty
[2024PSI ] 2024 Perimeter Scholars International (PSI) 3 Year Fellowship (deadline 2024/04/20 11:59PM)
[2025TF ] 2025 Teaching Fellow (2024/11/08 11:59PM)
[VR ] Visiting Researcher
[POSTDOC ] Post Doc Research Associate (deadline 2024/08/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Fellow (search halted , deadline 2024/05/01 11:59PM)
[PI ] Group Leader : Materials For Quantum (2024/10/28 11:59PM)
[RQUANTUM2 ] Postdoctoral Researcher, Research Scientist and Senior Research Scientist (W23143) (accepting applications )
[RSRASS ] Seeking Research Scientists and concurrently appointed Research Administrative Support Staffs(W24060)
[TL1 ] Seeking a Team Leader (AI for Science areas)
[AP ] Faculty Position in Theoretical High Energy Physics (2024/10/18 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Post-Doctoral Research Associate (2024/12/20 11:59PM)
[PHD ] PhD positions in Theory and Phenomenology of High Energy Physics (deadline 2024/06/07 11:59PM)
[PACICC ] Physics/Astronomy: Contract Instructor-College Credit
[PACICC1 ] Physics/Astronomy: Contract Instructor-College Credit
[RP24 ] Permanent research professor(s) in theoretical physics and applications (2024/11/29 11:59PM* )
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Fellow in High-Energy Theory
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Associate Positions in Condendsed Matter Theory at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[ALLLEVEL1 ] Faculty positions in soft matter physics, biophysics, quantum computing and plasma physics (2024/10/10 11:59PM)
[FPA ] Faculty Position in Astrophysics (all areas), T.D.Lee Institute, SJTU (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[PPJ ] Postdoc Positions in Theoretical Physics (2025/09/09 11:59PM)
[FRF ] Flatiron Research Fellow, CCA
[FRFCCA ] Flatiron Research Fellow, Center for Computational Astrophysics
[FSRF ] Flatiron Software Research Fellow, CCA
[POSTDOC1 ] Urbanek/Chodorow Post Doctoral Fellow (2024/10/31 11:59PM* )
[PD ] 2025 GLAM Postdoctoral Fellowship
[FELLOWS ] Postdoctoral Fellows at the Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (2024/11/04 11:59PM)
[ADMDG ] Postdoctoral Scholar Position in the Stanford University Accelerators for Dark Matter Detection Group
[POSTDOC ] Bloch Fellowship in Quantum Science and Engineering (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[SCEECS ] Postodoctoral Fellow (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[RA ] SLAC Research Associate: FPD Particle Theory (2024/12/01 11:59PM* )
[PANOFSKYFELLOW2025 ] 2025 Panofsky Fellowship at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (2024/12/03 11:59PM* )
[ASSISTANTPROFESSOR ] Assistant Professor in Physics (Stanford University) (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Van Bibber Fellowship in Experimental Physics (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[DMQIS ] Postdoctoral Research Associate position at the Kavli Institute of Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology (KIPAC) at Stanford University and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
[RAATLASECA ] Research Associate-Experimental (ATLAS) (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[VF ] Visiting Fellow (deadline 2024/08/15 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Positions in Condensed Matter and Quantum Information Theory at TU Munich (2024/11/25 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoc-EFT-XYZ (2026/01/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Experiment
[POSTDOC1 ] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Theory
[POSTDOC3 ] Postdoctoral Research Associate in AMO and Nuclear Physics
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Fellow (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[PD ] Postdoc Fellow (deadline 2024/06/30 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTORALFELLOW ] Postdoctoral Fellow Positions at the IAS,Tsinghua University (2024/10/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTORALFELLOW3 ] Postdoctoral Fellow Positions on Quantum Computation and Simulation in Tsinghua University (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[COLIDER_FACULTYPOSITION ] Faculty Position in Collider physics theory at T. D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[FACULTYPOSITION ] Faculty Position at T. D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[LATTICEQCD_FACULTYPOSITION ] Faculty Position in the Lattice QCD at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[MULTIMESSENGER_FACULTYPOSITION ] Faculty Position in Multimessenger theory at T.D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[NEUTRINO_FACULTYPOSITION ] Faculty Position in Experimental Neutrino Physics at T. D. Lee Institute, Shanghai, China (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCEXPPOSITION ] Postdoc-Experiment, Particle and Nuclear Division, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, SJTU (2025/01/10 11:59PM)
[POSTDOCTHEOPOSITION ] Postdoc-Theory, Particle and Nuclear Division, Tsung-Dao Lee Institute, SJTU (2025/01/10 11:59PM)
[PHD ] PhD positions in quantum computation and simulation (2024/10/04 11:59PM)
[PDF4 ] Postdoctoral Scholar - Theory of superconducting quantum devices (2024/11/04 11:59PM)
[RS4 ] Research Scientist - Theory of superconducting quantum circuits & circuit QED (2024/11/04 11:59PM)
[RSM1 ] Research scientist in quantum technology (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[GFR ] ARC Grant-Funded Researcher (A) - IceCube (2024/10/25 11:59PM)
[TP ] Lecturer B/C- Theoretical Physics (2024/10/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Associate (deadline 2024/08/15 11:59PM)
[PHD ] PhD position in Condensed Matter Theory and Quantum Computing (accepting applications )
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral position in Condensed Matter Theory (accepting applications )
[PD7 ] Georg H. Endress Postdoctoral Fellow in Quantum Science and Quantum Computing (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[POST ] NCCR SPIN Postdoctoral Fellowship (deadline 2024/09/01 11:59PM)
[PDF ] Postdoctoral fellow in gravitational wave data analysis and noise mitigation for LISA and LIGO (2024/09/30 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] UCLA STROBE Postdoctoral Fellow (2024/10/01 11:59PM)
[LPCLS ] Lecturer - Physics - College of Letters & Science (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Fellow--Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics (BCCP) (2024/12/02 11:59PM)
[CMSPOSTDOCS ] Three Postdoctoral Positions in Experimental High Energy Physics at UC Davis (2024/11/30 11:59PM)
[EQIPDF ] Eddleman Quantum Institute 2025 Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[COSMOPOSTDOC ] Postdoc position in experimental cosmology (offers accepted )
[PAATPP ] Physics: Assistant or Associate Teaching Professor of Physics (initial review Jan. 5, 2024)
[PS ] Postdoctoral Scholar in Quantum Condensed Matter Theory (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[ASSISTANTPROFESSOR ] Assistant Professor, Department of Physics
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Fellowship in Experimental Physics (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[PROFESSOR ] Assistant/Associate Professor, Department of Physics
[POSTDOC ] T.C. Chamberlin Postdoctoral Fellowship
[DARKSIDE ] Postdoctoral Schola DarkSide-20K (2025/02/26 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC2 ] Postdoctoral Scholar: Anomalous Small and Wide-Angle X-ray Scattering (ASWAXS) (deadline 2024/07/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC3 ] Postdoctoral Scholar
[QPDF2025 ] 2025 UChicago Quantum Theory Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship
[GRPHYS_PDRF ] Postdoctoral Fellowships in Gravitational Physics
[RF2 ] Postdoctoral Researcher (Quantum Computing/Information)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Associate in Numerical/Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics
[HILOAP ] Assistant Professor (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[MANOAAP ] Assistant Professor (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[QMBT ] Postdoctoral Researcher in Quantum Many-Body Theory/Ultracold Atoms (2024/10/06 11:59PM* )
[POSTDOC ] Condensed Matter Theory Postdoc @ AJL-ICMT (2024/11/03 11:59PM)
[APASTRO2024 ] Assistant Professor in Astronomy (2024/11/22 11:59PM)
[APTHEORY2024 ] Assistant Professor in Theoretical Physics (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[URM2024 ] Postdocs in theoretical physics for women and members of underrepresented groups
[RESEARCHCHAIR ] Research Chair: Quantum Horizons Alberta - University of Lethbridge node
[CMTC ] CMTC Postdoctoral Position (2024/11/01 11:59PM* )
[HPF ] QuICS Hartree Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[TQO ] University of Maryland Theoretical Quantum Optics Fellowship (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[JEFFLAB ] Postdoctoral Research Associate (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Associate (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[DMDDE ] Research Fellow Experimental Particle Physics (Dark Matter Direct Detection Experiment) (2024/09/24 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] UofM HET Postdoc (2024/12/31 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Positions in Condensed Matter Theory (accepting applications )
[CMTARO ] Condensed matter theory postdoctoral positions at the University of Notre Dame (deadline 2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[JINPD ] Postdoctoral Research Associate - Emergent Quantum Systems Lab (2025/01/21 11:59PM)
[PDCMSLHC ] Postdoctoral Research Associate / Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider (LHC) (deadline 2024/09/15 11:59PM)
[PDNUCL ] Postdoctoral research position in the Nuclear Science Laboratory at the University of Notre Dame (deadline 2024/08/01 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Associate (2024/11/01 11:59PM)
[PDRA ] Leverhulme-Peierls Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Theoretical Physics (2024/10/07 11:59PM* )
[HEPTHAP ] Assistant Professor in Theoretical High Energy Physics (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Micius Postdoc Fellowship for Quantum Theory
[POSTDOC ] postdoctoral scholar (2024/12/17 11:59PM)
[FAC ] Tenured or Tenure-Track Faculty Position - Computational Quantum Materials - UT Austin (2024/10/31 11:59PM)
[CONDENSEDMATTERPHYSICS ] Two Open Rank Faculty Positions in Theoretical or Experimental Condensed Matter Physics (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[APSTQSCEP ] Assistant Professor Sustainability Through Quantum Science and Clean-Energy Physics (2 positions)
[PD2025 ] Post-doctoral research associate (2024/12/22 11:59PM)
[SOOCHOW ] Post-doctoral research associate (2024/12/22 11:59PM)
[CSW2024 ] Chien-Shiung Wu Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship 2024 (2024/12/01 11:59PM* )
[PD2024 ] Postdoctoral Position (2024) (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[QSHT2024 ] Project Researcher position in Quantum Simulations in High Energy Theory (filled, deadline 2024/07/15 11:59PM)
[AP ] Assistant Professor - Theoretical Quantum Condensed Matter Physics
[AMO ] Assistant Professor - AMO Physics
[DEHMELT ] 22025-2028 Hans G. Dehmelt Postdoctoral Fellowship
[POSTDOC ] Postdoc: UW-Madison Data Science Institute / Physics / IRIS-HEP (deadline 2024/06/30 11:59PM)
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Researcher (2024/12/01 11:59PM)
[INTERNSHIP ] Computing Research Internship (2024/09/20 11:59PM)
[PHD1 ] PhD student - experimental astrophysics
[PHD2 ] PhD student - Theoretical Particle Physics
[PHD1 ] PhD Position in one-dimensional quantum physics
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Position in Astrophysics (2024/10/24 11:59PM)
[PDF ] Post-doctoral fellow
[PRA ] Postdoctoral Research Associate
[POSTDOC1 ] Postdoctoral Research Associate
[POSTDOC ] Postdoctoral Research Associate of Physics (Nuclear and Hadron Theory) (2024/11/15 11:59PM)
[CONDENSEDMATTER2 ] Postdoctoral Researcher or Ph.D. student in theoretical condensed matter physics (2024/12/20 11:59PM)
[CMTFELLOW ] Yale Physics Prize Postdoctoral Fellowship (2024/10/15 11:59PM)
[LECT ] Lecturer/Senior Lecturer - Physics Faculty (2025/06/12 11:59PM)
[FULLPROFESSORASSOCIATEPROFESSOR7 ] Full Professors/ Associate Professors of Yau mathematical Sciences Center (Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications)
(314 positions listed)
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